In this scorching summer which has hit my country, India, all one would want to have is "a splash of water", remember the joy which we feel when suddenly a cool gale wind comes and you are confirmed of your suspicions, aye, its going to rain. (anyway monsoon is going to hit the tip of kerala this week so my adage is not that inappropriate), so when you read this poem, remember all the times you have had with water, that single drop everyone longs for, enjoy splashing!!!!!!! :D

splash of the water
why does my heart long for that splash of water,
which washes away all the dirt,
cleanses the whole body, 
with care
and nourishes me with vitamins and oils unknown

splash of water
why does my heart long for that splash of water,
plain water
water just nothing else, nothing of this 'mineral' nonsense
plain tap water
thats what I want 

splash of water 
why does my heart long for that splash of water,
water trickling down my eyes, my face, my soul,
refreshing me on its course of journey down to my feet
then leaving me
alone again

splash of water
why does my heart long for that splash of water,
why does it want to feel like that rose plant
which is watered everyday by my mother
cheered everyday on its existence

splash of water,
why does my heart long for that splash of water
why does it feels like the rose plant,
dancing in rhythmical circles
on the tune of the water shower,
shivering like a shimmy artist,

splash of water 
why does my heart long for that splash of water 
which will wash my corroded heart
somehow get rid of this rust
which has deposited deep inside,
penetrated without permission


Platinum-MRI said…
Very aptly said about moonsoon truly brought back nostalgic memories of roasted Corn cobs on hot Coals

truly you are a versatile budding poet in the making enjoy your penship with the paper!
purnima aunty,
I am awaiting your first blogpost. When are you going to write it????
well the title of your blog is very nice, Life & adversity, I liked it....
why dont you become a member of this blog so that you can receive my blogpost immediately as I write it!!!
Thanks for the appreciation, will pen more beautiful poems next time, anyway the monsoons have arrived in India, and its the initiation of the poetic times!!!!!

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