The Black horse

Saw a beautiful black horse,
stomping her feet in pride,
up and about in Meade's hollow
beautiful, shining mane ,
loftily moving, gaily neighing
loving every sight she sees
it seems....

Followed her for long,
admiring her attitude,
over the varying altitude,
I forgot my path,
long ago......

The black horse
is still moving,
towards oblivion
in my heart,
I forgot my path,
I still follow her,
to reach that dreamland,
where nobody's step,
ever dangled

A place,
mine and mine forever


Platinum-MRI said…
Good one! the poem is as majestic as a black horse can be in reality!

Why not follow a white horse was my curiosity
Thankyou Purnima aunty, its a very good question:
well all of us know that a black horse, the dark horse is the one who gallops forward, without the knowledge of anybody, in a secret way. I wanted to associate a secretive quality to the poem, and white horse is never associated with secretive motions, white horse is always associated with chivalry, bravery. So the black horse!!!!!!!!
anusia said…
Black horse are really beautiful. They looks very royal and glossy.

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