The Supposed Farewell

Tomorrow, my school and I will formally bid each other a farewell, a supposed farewell. Its so strange, that the school which never left me alone, traumatised me with endless reams of homework, brought a smile on my face, made me laugh voraciously, made me cry with an equal ease, is now calling me to end this relationship, formally. Sadly there is no fanfare around, no formal farewell, all we will be given is some string of last minute advice for the upcoming board exam, our admit card, rather our exit card from school, and that's it.Nothing more, nothing less, just that much.

It feels quite sad that we will not treated well tomorrow. All we will get is advice, advice and advice, nothing else. As if the school is heaving a sigh of relief by bidding us goodbye, as if they are happy and relieved that we are going away from the school. Maybe this batch was a troublesome lot. Maybe we have not given them a single reason to smile, let alone a reason to laugh. Our teachers are perhaps very happy that we are going away. Let them feel what they want to. Maybe they are embittered by our presence.

I am somehow carried away to my old school, a school which was in a small town, but was nevertheless more caring and never short of good feelings towards us. We were their assets and thus we considered the school as an asset in return. I still remember how we were treated there. During our board exams we were called to school, then we had a Puja and then our school used to ferry us from there to the examination centre. There was a beautiful environment there.

When I  came here, to this city,  I promised myself that I wont compare my previous school with my present one and with open arms would embrace and accept this new school wholeheartedly. But somehow I am carried away to my previous school and I have broken my promise today. I never intended to, but today I had to, to get rid of this strange melancholy and concentrate on my studies.

A new and strange path waits me ahead.........................................


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