The Farewell aka " the Blessing Ceremony"

I was totally wrong, completely false and thus completely floored.

Today the treatment and fanfare we received was far from I could have expected. Though there was no song, no dance (anyway who wants such crap on such gloriously important a day), yet the overwhelmingly warm speech by Princi, (aka "the Principal"), Sheila Ma’am (our English teacher, who knows my true worth), and of course the XIth class and fellow XIIth class students, touched my heart like the touch of a "parasmani", the alchemist's stone. The very heartening thoughts, the exceptional expectations and the heart rendering moments; the last minute photo shoots, the dabang glasses and the wearer’s girlfriends; the roaming about in the corridor for teacher’s errands, oh God! I will miss this school wholeheartedly.

Today we lighted the candles of our lives. Our candles were all flickering in the gusty wind, but I would like to quote my favourite madam’s thoughts here: “the flickering candles show our will to overcome troubles in our lives, our ability to be devoted and persistent to remove the troubles of our life” It was all so apt. the candles the diyas were all flickering, it was difficult to light them up. The wind came and blew them off cruelly. But we were persistent too. Finally the candles stood all lighted beautifully in the sand bed prepared to serve the purpose of candle stands.

You know what???

My English teacher expects 95+ marks from me!!!!
She said she will keep a gift ready for me.

More than the gift, I was touched by her expectation. The way she told me, is another fun story.
I was leaving the school and was walking towards the gate and she slapped me from behind and I was taken aback. And then…
She told me she wants nothing less than 95 from me. I promised her and I will bring a 95 in my English exam. I am completely determined.

Let’s see what’s ahead!!!

Got the admit cards today and thus got the feel of examinations in the doorsteps, banging rather than knocking it. I am ready to open it too. Ready to face all the hurdles on the face of it.

Bonjour again!!!


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