Life Is About Two Words

I wish I could disappear into wilderness, full of shrubs and herbs or somehow vanish in thin air along with my idealism. Its just that my utopian visions do not seem to fit in here, they are not a perfect match in this world. The world nowadays means only to make money, mint money, eat and bathe in money. All of it is about settlement. Just because earth settled with a climax species- the irreplaceable humans, will the world mean all about settlement, stagnant thoughts, stagnant dirty water, stagnant lives, moving yet static trains, aeroplanes, rockets, all of it in instantaneous differential picture frames????
My radical thoughts have no place in this world( have I really mentioned that?). The world my little eyes can see far and wide is only about two words. Only two words matter the most to people. The world seems to be obsessed with two words "medical" and "engineering". For everybody around me - save My ma and My Pa- have only two keywords for careers- "medical" and "engineering". Often I am asked by the numerous uncles and aunties and acquaintances I have met, "beta, what are you preparing for??? Medical Or Engineering???
I really do not understand or know for that matter whether these two words are the keywords all over India  or just in my own city.
Is there nothing worthwhile to think???
Am I also to be pinned down for these two lines (see not even areas, as limited as a line, just a join of points which leads you to the same path, same string,  there is no bifurcation, you can only get a break if you want to be snap out of it!!!)

I am literally tired with these wearisome thoughts. I hope at least one person answers me back in echo, support me and both of us in reverberate in the same pitch, united in thoughts.....................


I know the feeling as i have been through this phase also..but i took up 'engineering' because i wanted to and i would like to tell you one thing just follow your heart otherwise you would spend your entire life thinking what my life would have been IF...good luck
@ RANDYNAMIC AVANISH, Thankyou, a lot for that best wishes, I like it that you chose engineering because you wanted to do it, and not because you can pursue MBA later, and then becme a businessman, or like many other people, go for civil services, !!!!!!
As of now I got good ranks in these engineering exams and I am gonna opt out of it, going to study life sciences in a good college, thanks again for your best wishes!!!!!!

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